"Our generation has inherited an incredibly beautiful world from our parents and their parents to inherit is in our hands whether our children and their children the same world." - Richard Branson.
Scientific and technological advances have revolutionized the entire human civilization in a true sense. We got to a point where it is assumed that all that we imagine and almost brought feasible. Nowadays, when our lives are surrounded by so muchscanning machines and hi-tech, when the speed of development and research is so impressive, it is quite easy for the inevitable fact that we forgot to harm our mother to the world an unprecedented rate. To reach the number of times in the course of our economic dominance of hunger and to satisfy industrial feasibility, we fail to realize that actually worsens our natural resources. We, along with all the progress that disturb the ecological balance and environmentalRush, who had lived the entire history of humanity ever. And while we have in this way to cause the natural desire for revenge. We were more prone to tail temperatures, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, droughts, heavy rains, and now is to understand a critical moment to do if we want to influence the exploitation of nature and the climate balance and nothing to ease this problem, we are doomed to have devastating consequences.
Climate change will make it clearcatastrophic threats. We can not agree on the scope, but we can not afford the risk of inaction. To better understand the issue, we must first examine what climate change and what factors are responsible for them. Climate change term is often used synonymously with the concept of global warming, but according to the National Academy of Sciences "The term" climate change "is preferred in order to" increase global warming "because it helps convey that there [ others] VariationsIn addition to rising temperatures. "Climate change refers to a significant change in measures of climate (temperature, precipitation and wind) with a deadline for an extended period (decades or longer). Global warming is an increase in average temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and troposphere may contribute to changes in global climate models.
Earth keeps its average temperature by a computerized system, of course, and of course warming gases, thesurrounded. Carbon dioxide and other gases such as methane, nitrogen dioxide and chlorine Flour carbon (CFC) by trapping solar heat to keep the heat in the Earth's atmosphere. This heat can not escape is of vital importance in the earth's temperature in an area where it is habitable. However, the uncontrolled increase in emissions of carbon dioxide and other warming gases over the decades, these borders thickened atmosphere, which trap heat are now much more than the acceptable range. In addition, theIncrease of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere also has the "Greenhouse effect", where it generates more heat better. This excessive amount of heat the earth's natural thermal-equilibrium in which the shape of the global warming effects associated with all climate ruffled.
The history of the planet has been characterized by frequent changes of climate. Clearly, climate change is a natural phenomenon for several thousands of years. Environmental scientistsinsist that the Earth's temperature has always been a gradual increase with no or very limited impact on the environment at all. This trend gradually cover a period of 650,000 years shows a gradual increase of the scientists initially intended as a "slowmotion catastrophe" show an unexpected consequences of its first next generation. Needless to say, time has shown how these beliefs are wrong, because the characters have climate change because soil temperature increased alarmingly acceleratedIn the last two centuries. The relationship between time and chart the earth's temperature shows a dramatic change in the trend and only the temperature is much faster than ever before in history. Based on data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change United Nations has estimated that the average global surface temperature by about 0.3 to 0.6 degrees Celsius since the late 19 century to the present and increasing increases from 0.2 to 0, 3 degrees in the last 40Years. This increase is probably the largest in a century during the past 1,000 years. The current rise in greenhouse gases is unprecedented for at least the past 20,000 years. And with the help of mathematical simulations of climate models, it is expected that it would be up to 2050, global temperatures have risen by 5 degrees Celsius with some serious consequences and inevitable.
There are a number of natural factors responsible for climate change. Some ofcelebrities are inclined continental drift, volcanoes, ocean currents, the earth and comets and meteorites. But the anthropogenic factors are the real culprits, which led to an uncontrolled emission of carbon dioxide and other gases and thus higher temperatures than average. Anthropogenic factors are the human activities affecting the environment and the impact of climate change. In some cases, however, the chain of causality is clear and unambiguous, while it is less clear in others.Several hypotheses for human affects climate change have been discussed in recent years, but it is only now open to all without any doubt that the main cause of climate change, human activities are accepted. Even those who until a few years ago were not convinced that humans have an influence on climate, now admit that there is no scientific evidence that this happens.
The industrial revolution, since the late 19 th Century, has had a major effect on climate. The invention ofEngine engine and the combustion of fossil fuels increased in the form of coal, oil and natural gas increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Since then, the consumption of fossil fuels, CO2 levels from a concentration of 280 ppm has increased to about 387 ppm today. These concentrations are increasingly geared to a range of 535-983 ppm by the end of the 21 century to achieve. And 'now known that carbon dioxide levels are significantly higher than at any other time in the past750 thousand years. With the prevailing concept of the global economy and the accelerated industrialization of developing countries like India and China, is 70 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every day wasted. In addition to CO2, methane is another important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. About a quarter of methane emissions come from domestic animals such as cows, goats, pigs, buffaloes, camels, horses and sheep. These animals produce methane during the CUD gumProcess. Methane is also made from rice or rice fields are flooded during periods of sowing and maturity are released. If the floor is covered with water, is anaerobic, or devoid of oxygen. Decompose under these conditions, methane-producing bacteria and other organisms in soil organic matter to form methane. Nearly 90% of the rice growing region of the world are in Asia, rice is the staple food. China and India have each other, 80-90% of the world's rice, growing areas.Methane is also emitted from landfills and disposal sites. If the waste is placed in a incineratorchanges triggered by these gases should result in an increase from 1.4 to 5.6 ° C between 1990 and 2100. The cement industry contributes in particular CO2 as calcium carbonate is heated, it produces carbon dioxide and lime, but also as a result of burning fossil fuels. The cement industry produces 5% of global anthropogenic emissions of CO2, of which 50% of the chemical process,and 40% from burning fuel. The amount of CO2 emitted in the cement industry produced nearly 900 kilograms of CO2 per 1000 kg of cement. [Out] or burned in the open air, carbon dioxide is emitted. Methane is also emitted during the process of extracting the oil, mining and even the gas leaking from the lines (due to accidents and poor maintenance of web sites). A large amount of emissions of nitrous oxide is attributed to fertilizer application. Another gas, nitric oxide, emitted by a largeFertilizer can cause serious damage. These climate
One of the main factors of climate change, land use increased. Agricultural practices, irrigation and deforestation are changing the environment. Due to increasing urbanization and industrial growth of the forests are cleared, that act as
"Carbon sinks". Consequently, the additional carbon dioxide into oxygen can not be changed. A 2007 study of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory found that the average temperatureCalifornia has increased by about 2 degrees over the past 50 years, an increase much higher in urban areas. The change is mainly due to the vast landscape of human development.
Accept the factors that makes the vast majority of scientists now agree that climate change is real and represents a serious threat globally. These climate changes have already shown some signs shocking and terrible in the world. Now millions of lives are affectedPeople all over the world and it is expected that much more ruthless in the future. Pay particular, many developing countries, although it contributed the least to be in the process of climate change, those who have the greatest risk for the consequences. How was the annual meeting of the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues (IASG) in Montreal in September 2007, "noted that indigenous peoples are often among the most marginalized and impoverished peoples of the world and isbear the brunt of the catastrophe of climate change and as such give a human face on the climate crisis. "
In Asia, the temperatures are expected to increase 2-8 degrees Celsius over the next 8-10 years, which reduced the lives of residents with climate changes such as rain, floods and bad harvests. Tropical forests, the oasis of biodiversity and cultural diversity of indigenous peoples are threatened by severe forest fires. People in low lying areas ofBangladesh and India such as Calcutta, with a one meter rise in sea level are distributed. This increase could also threaten the coastal areas of Japan and China. This could mean massive destruction and thousands not just hundreds, but more than 100 million people in Asia alone. Recent cases of heavy rains in some parts of India especially in Mumbai is by nature are associated with rapid climate change. In the Himalayas, glaciers are melting, affecting hundreds of millions of ruralResidents who depend on seasonal water flow. Increase in temperature will melt the ice faster for more water in the short term, but decline less in the long run as glaciers and snowpack. The heating medium altitude regions are likely population growth, settlement expansion and trespassing likely to become a great challenge for management and these external influences are likely to have impacts on indigenous peoples and their land. In southern Africa, climate changeHundreds of miles of land covered with vegetation and used for grazing influence. Since the high temperatures, wind speed will be increased again, these high wind speeds in the region of losing much of its vegetation, and so produce fewer and fewer people who live viable indigenous to the region. In addition, more frequent droughts on food safety as an important issue for indigenous peoples living in the Kalahari desert of Sahara and the like. In Europe andRussia, indigenous peoples have noted the arrival of new types of plants that had never seen before in the region. The summers were warmer conditions in the new plants thrive in rivers and lakes included. This had disturbed the natural habitat of fish, so people went back to fishing opportunities due to the closure of the lakes due to the growth of new plants. In addition, the birds and the birds came again to stay longer hours in the villages than in the past.
In NorthAmerica is heat waves increases the evaporation and degradation of groundwater resources. You can reduce the negative impact on health, vegetation, wildlife, tribal water rights and individual agricultural activities, and reduction of tribal services due to income from leases. In addition, natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, such as Katrina, which caused the lives of about 1836 people and cost $ 89.6 billion damage are common.
The polar regionsthe Arctic and Greenland experienced some of the rapid and severe climate change on Earth. With increasing temperature, the Arctic ice is less stable, unusual weather conditions occur, changes in vegetation, including animals such as polar bears and seals are on a path to extinction. Local landscapes, seascapes, and Icescape always strange that people feel like strangers in our country. In addition, the climate in the Arcticunpredictable and extreme, with perfect timing, the length and character of the seasons, through the rain in autumn and winter and hot in summer. In some Indian villages in Alaska, will have whole communities because of erosion due to thawing permafrost and large waves struck are planned against the West and the north shore.
Coastal indigenous communities are severely threatened by erosion due to storm related to melting of sea ice. Scientists have predicted that, if onlyMelt half the ice in the Arctic and in Greenland, sea level rise around the world up to 40 feet swells the huge country, a part that is home to billions of human beings and other living things.
No matter how hard the future seems at this time is that not all bleak. Al Gore, the Nobel Prize for his commitment to the cause of climate change, said in his speech to the National Convention of the Sierra Club, September 9, 2005, "The good news is that we know what to do. The good news iswe have everything we need now to respond to the challenge of global warming. We have all the technologies we need, more are being developed, and as they become available and become more affordable when produced in scale, they will make it easier to respond. But we should not wait, we cannot wait, we must not wait."
Since the appearance of first few challenges of the climate change, countries all around the world have decided to initiate programs as one global community to combat this fast approaching menace. The First World Climate Conference recognized climate change as a serious problem in 1979. Since then, a number of conferences and conventions have been held throughout the world with formation of several international bodies and treaties. In 1988, a body of more than 2,500 of the world's leading climate scientists, economists, and risk analysis experts from 80 countries was formed as The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This Panel was given a mandate to assess the state of existing knowledge about the climate system and climate change; the environmental, economic, and social impacts of climate change; and the possible response strategies. The reports which this body released had a powerful impact on both policy-makers and the general public and provided the basis for negotiations on the Climate Change Convention. In 1992, The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) was signed at Rio de Janeiro by 154 states, including the US. This summit became the largest-ever gathering of Heads of State.
In December 1997, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted a code of behavior by consensus which contains new emissions targets for developed countries for the post-2000 period. This international treaty is called as "The Kyoto Protocol" or "The Kyoto Treaty". Since developed countries of the world are responsible for 83.7% of the total emissions, the protocol asked the developed countries to commit themselves in reducing their collective emissions of six key greenhouse gases by at least 5%. Though an important milestone, the Kyoto agreement has not really been such effective since it aims to cut down the future carbon emissions but does not propose any solutions to nullify the affects of the carbon that has already been emitted into the atmosphere. Other global initiatives like UNESCO's Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB), Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), WHO Program for Climate and many others are working to tackle the issue of climate change.
The goal of all these organizations and conventions is to cut down or at least minimize all those factors responsible for climate change. Resolute, urgent and collective efforts are needed on state, communal and individual levels to deal with the issue. One of the most effective ways to do so is to Increase the Awareness and Usage of the Bio-Energy. Bio-Energy is the energy made available from materials derived from the biological sources. It is actually the energy produced from the bio-mass. Biomass is the material derived from living organisms, which includes plants, animals and their byproducts such as wood. Manure, garden waste and crop residues are all sources of biomass. It is a renewable energy source based on the carbon cycle, unlike other natural resources such as petroleum, coal, and nuclear fuels. As Henry Ford said in early 20th century "The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit ... weeds, sawdust-almost anything..."
Burning biomass efficiently results in little or no net emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, since the bio-energy crop plants actually took up an equal amount of carbon dioxide from the air when they grew. However, burning conventional fossil fuels such as gasoline, oil, coal or natural gas results in an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the major gas which is thought to be responsible for global climate change. Some nitrogen oxides inevitably result from biomass burning (as with all combustion processes) but these are comparable to emissions from natural wildfires, and generally lower than those from burning fossil fuels. Other gas emissions are associated with the use of fossil fuels by farm equipment, and with the application of inorganic fertilizers to the bio-energy crop. However, these may be offset by the increase in carbon storage in soil organic matter compared with conventional crops. Utilization of biomass residues which would have otherwise been dumped in landfills (e.g. urban and industrial residues) greatly reduces greenhouse gas emissions by preventing the formation of methane.
In addition, bio-energy can effectively be used in almost every industrial, manufacturing and home application throughout the globe. Wood, construction waste, landfill gas, and liquid bio-fuels like bio-diesel and bio-oil can be used to produce energy that can be converted into electricity and heat. Liquid bio-fuels like ethanol, bio-diesel, and bio-oil can be used to power cars and other transportation. Being the fourth largest resource of energy after coal, oil and natural gas, the energy produced from the bio-mass can fulfill up to 14% of the world's total primary energy demands and recent statistics show that only 10-15% of the total potential bio-energy sources have been used so far by the human population worldwide.
Along with its remarkable and efficient outcomes in decreasing the world's carbon emission and fulfilling a considerable portion of the global demand for energy, Bio-Energy from the bio-mass also has several major socio-economical benefits. These benefits include increased rural income and reduced levels of poverty in developing countries, restoration of unproductive and degraded lands and promotion of economic development, diversifications of agricultural outputs, reduction of energy dependence and diversification of domestic energy supply, increased investments in land rehabilitation and effective usage of waste products. A recent economic survey found out that bio-energy creates more permanent jobs than any other energy sources with decrease in unemployment and increase in per capita income which contributes to a much healthy life style. It can also be instrumental in reducing food prices and ensuring food security throughout the world.
In keeping an eye over the huge opportunities the usage of bio-energy can offer, every possible step should be taken by the United Nations and the state governments all over the world to replace fossil fuels with bio-fuels. Since it is practically unrealistic to completely replace fossil fuels, intense attempt should be made to utilize as much of the natural energy resources as it is possible. On individual level too, we should adapt to these climatic changes and change our live styles in order to bring the total carbon emission under control. Driving less, driving a fuel-efficient car, preferring gas over oil, saving electricity, using lesser papers and planting more trees can be some of the small choices each human can makes to save the earth from rapid destructions of the climate change. It is not only an environmental issue. It is inherently linked with our lives on political, social, economical, ethical and more than anything else, on moral grounds. We do not lack in resources and capabilities but it is a high time that we confront the challenges of the climate change with utmost determination and a collective strategy.
As According to this year's UNDP Report on Human Development "There is a window of opportunity of avoiding the most damaging climate change impacts, but that window is closing: the world has less than a decade to change course. Actions taken or not taken in the years ahead will have a profound bearing on the future course of human development. The world lacks neither the financial resources nor the technological capabilities to act. What is missing is a sense of urgency, collective interest and above all human solidarity".